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The Relationship Between Fit and Self-Efficacy: The Moderating Effect of Work-Leisure Facilitation



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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among person-job fit, person-leisure fit, job self-efficacy, leisure self-efficacy, work-leisure facilitation, and leisure-work facilitation from the evidence of hotel employees. Furthermore, the moderating effects of work-leisure facilitation and leisure-work facilitation were also examined in this study. A two-step unequal unit cluster sampling was conducted in this study. The procedure resulted in 332 usable responses. Subsequently, the descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and correlation and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The results indicated that person-leisure fit and work-leisure facilitation have significantly positive effects on leisure self-efficacy, work-leisure facilitation has a moderating effect on the relationship between person-leisure fit and leisure self-efficacy, person-job fit and leisure-work facilitation have significantly positive effects on job self-efficacy, and leisure-work facilitation has a moderating effect on the relationship between person-job fit and job self-efficacy. This study suggests that top managers in the hotel industry should create a leisure-supportive work environment to enhance leisure/job self-efficacy.


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