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Two Species of Perenniporia (Basidiomycota) New to China



本文報導了中國多年臥孔菌屬(Perenniporia Murrill)兩個新記錄種:P. contraria和P. minutissima。Perenniporia contraria採自雲南西雙版納林區的闊葉樹上,該種與P. subannosa極為相似,但孔口和孢子較小。Perenniporia minutissima發現於江蘇紫金山和浙江天目山自然保護區的闊葉樹上,此種與 P. ochroleuca相近,但後者擔子果多年生,菌蓋蹄形,上表面淺赭色。本文根據所採集的標本材料對這兩種真菌進行了詳細描述。


木材腐朽菌 分類 多孔菌

Parallel abstracts

Perennipori contraria and P. minutissima are newly recorded from China. Perenniporia contraria was collected from tropical region of Yunnan Province, southwestern China. It is closely related to P. subannosa which has larger pores and larger basidiospores. Perenniporia minutissima was collected from Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, eastern China, this species is similar to P. ochroleuca, however, the latter has perennial, ungulate and corky basidiocarps, and its upper surface is pale ochraceous. Illustrations and descriptions of the two species are given, based on the materials from China.

Parallel keywords

polypore taxonomy wood-rotting fungi
