職能治療的主要治療目標是促進個案日常生活功能的獨立。爲達到此目標,需採用具信、效度,標凖化的功能評量工具以協助治療師找出病患問題並予以治療及訓練。對精神分裂症患者而言,動作與處理活動之技巧的缺損和社會心理障礙常造成他們獨立生活功能的阻礙。因而治療師應針對這些能力技巧及功能加以詳細評估以便訂定治療的計畫。本研究旨在探討日常生活評量工具-「動作與處理技巧測驗」(The Assessment of Motor Process Skills, AMPS)應用於精神分裂症病患的結果。主要目的有二:(1)探討治療師評量等級和個案的動作與處理技巧間的相關性,(2)探討根據主治治療師功能評量等級將病人加以分類後,各組間個案的動作與處理技巧能力是否有顯著差異。 本研究共收集了60位精神分裂症患工具性日常生活動的資料。病患實際年齡介於15到45歲之間。個案於職能治療室接受AMPS的測驗後,同時取得其主治治療者對個案功能的功能評等。資料收集完成後,經由AMPS分析軟體取得功能分數並採用SAS統計軟體,執行變異數分析、事後分析、以及相關分析。 研究結果顯示,功能評量分數與AMPS動作和處理技巧的分數呈現顯著的中度相關。根據功能評等方式將個案分爲三個等級後,結果顯示,三組個案在動作及處理技巧上均呈現顯著差異性。本研究結果支持應用AMPS於急性病房精神分裂症病人時,具有同時效度。
Functional independence is one of the major goals of occupational therapy intervention in mental health. Thus, the selection of an adequate functional assessment is a vital step. For clients with psychiatric disorders, skill deficits play important roles on their independence in daily living activities. An evaluation aiming at assessing these skills and their impact on functioning will assist therapists to plan future intervention. The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) in the patients with Schizophrenia. Sixty participants, ranged in age between 15 to 45 years old, and diagnosed as schizophrenia, were recruited from psychiatric department of a general hospital. All participants were tested on the AMPS by a qualified rater in OT clinic. The clients were observed to perform AMPS activities of their own choices in an oriented environment. A global functional rating scale used by the client's chief therapist was also employed as a concurrent measure in the study. The correlation between AMPS motor and process scores and global functional scale was examined. Additionally, differences in ratings among three groups divided by global functional scale were also studied. The results showed that there is a significant moderate correlation between AMPS motor and process scores and global functional ratings. The differences among three functional groups classified by global functional rating were verified for both motor and process scales. The validity of the AMPS in this sample of patients is supported.