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Personal Development and World Perspectives in Occupational Therapy: Course Description and Preliminary Outcomes


我國職能治療(occupational therapy, OT)教育著重專業的培訓,但甚少課程內容包含生涯規畫、典範建立或其它國家OT之發展,這不足可能影響學生的就業抉擇與生涯發展。因此,本簡報目的為介紹「職能治療個人發展與世界觀」課程,並呈現課程對於學生之助益。此課程時數為每週二小時,共18週,進行方式有四:(一)老師講授與討論:授課老師教授特定國家之OT發展、里程碑與挑戰,以及學制特點與展望;(二)學生專題報告:學生分組進行其它國家OT發展之報告;(三)典範分享與對談:資深大學OT教師與資深OT師演說生涯發展經歷並與同學對談,及(四)學生訪談:學生分組進行訪談學術界之模範教師或臨床界優秀之治療師。為評量課程對學生之助益,請學生分別在期初、期中及期末以無記名方式填寫自編問卷,接著以描述性統計分析問卷量性數據並彙整學生的質性意見。課程初步成效主要有二:(一)個人發展課程由資深教師與治療師的分享讓學生看見更多發展潛能、為學生塑造學習的典範。學生的收穫不僅在專業本身,也擴及人生觀與人生態度;(二)世界觀課程呈現與台灣文化及發展背景相異國家的OT專業發展,經過統整比較能擴展學生OT的世界觀。二者皆有助於他們未來就學與就業的生涯規畫。

Parallel abstracts

Occupational therapy (OT) education in Taiwan focuses primarily on professional expertise. The curriculum, which is developed to help students achieve defined competencies, pays little attention to personal development and global perspectives. The lack of such course content may influence the future career decisions and development of OT students. Therefore, we proposed a course to broaden the perspectives of OT students and provide students with role models for future OT career development. The course, "Personal Development and World Perspectives in OT", consisted of 18 two-hour sessions, including (1) lectures and discussion on the development of OT in specific countries; (2) student seminars on the development of OT in other countries; (3) role-model speeches and discussions by experienced university teachers and outstanding clinicians in OT; and (4) student reports on interviews of other experienced university teachers and outstanding clinicians. We used self-designed anonymous questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the students' perceptions of the course at the beginning, middle, and end of the term. The personal development sections both helped students understand the potential for their professional career development and inculcated in the students the values, attitudes, and behaviors toward life of good role models. The world perspectives sections helped students broaden their horizons in OT and apply their knowledge of the development of OT in Taiwan and in other countries to improve their personal professional development. In conclusion, the course helped students in planning their career development in terms of employment and studies.
