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The Current Situation of Occupational Therapy Services in Residential Institutions for the Elderly in Taiwan



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Background: Elderly and long-term care issues are important policies in Taiwan. The residential institution is one option for long-term care services. Occupational therapy (OT) is part of the professional team in institutions. However, it is not clear about the OT services provided in residential institutions in Taiwan in the past ten years. Objectives: To investigate the employment situation of occupational therapists and the services they provided in residential institutions for the elderly, and to explore the factors associated with the employment of occupational therapists in Taiwan. Methods: Data were collected by mailing questionnaires to 1,584 residential institutions registered in Taiwan. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the employment situation of occupational therapists, the services they provided, and the reasons for their employment/lack of employment. The relationship between institutional characteristics and the employment of occupational therapists was investigated via x^2 analysis. Results: A total of 552 residential institutions replied (response rate: 34.8%). Among them, only 161 (29.2%) institutions employed full-time or part-time occupational therapists and 391 (70.8%) institutions did not have OT services. Different characteristics was noted between institutions that employed occupational therapists and those not. Residential institutions tended to hire occupational therapists to enhance the quality of care, and they tended to not hire occupational therapists due to cost considerations and the employment of other professionals. Conclusions: It is important for the OT profession to advocate for the functional role of OT in residential institutions to increase the willingness of institutions to employ occupational therapists and thus to improve the quality of care.
