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Research Activities and Trends in Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Taiwan


本研究調查台灣地區物理治療及職能治療之研究活動概況、成果及其趨勢。內容包含:(l)研究人力:調查民國79-87學年度全國大學及醫學院物理治療學系(組)及職能治療學系(組)主要研究人員及其他研究人員數目;(2)研究經費:檢索國科會資料庫查詢研究人員申請國科會80-88年度專題研究計畫概況(含經費);(3)論文之量與質:檢索相關光碟資料庫查詢研究人員於民國79-86年發表之原著論文數;查詢光碟資料庫及科學引用指數(Science Citation Index, SCI)或社會科學引用指數(Social Science Citation Index, SSCI)收錄研究人員發表原著論文之篇數,計算SCI/SSCI收錄研究人員之論文的影響係數(impact factor)。結果發現兩專業之主要研究人力近年來皆有成長,但相對於學會人口之研究人力比例(約6%)未見成長。兩專業主要研究人員申請國科會計畫件數漸增,但經費並不充裕(每件計畫之平均經費約38萬)。物理治療研究人員發表之原著論文數量逐漸增加,但此趨勢未見於職能治療。兩專業主要研究人員發表之論文品質歷年來並無顯著變化,如何提昇研究水準將是兩專業面臨之挑戰。

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to investigate research activities, productivity and trends in the tields of Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) in Taiwan. The indicators of research activities for the academic years 1990 to 1998, including research manpower, research expenditure, and research productivity were examined. A survey was conducted on the number of primary investigators in the faculty of PT and OT schools and other. Grants from the National Science Council (NSC) were examined by searching the database at the NSC web site. The quantity and quality of the original articles written by the investigators were studied, using the numbers of papers, and citations of papers and impact factor of citations respectively. We found that these primary research manpower of the two professions has increased in recent years. However, the proportions (both about 6%) of primary investigators to the numbers of members in the professional associations have not increased. Applications for NSC grants are increasing among the primary investigators, however, the average budget of each qrant is limited (about NT$380,000). The number of original articles has grown in PT in recent years; however, the same trend was not found in OT. The quality of the original articles has not improved markedly in either profession. Major effort is needed to improve the quality and quantity of research in these professions in the future.
