  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Authoritarian Leadership Profiles: A Person-centered Approach




Authoritarian leadership (AL) can be divided into two dimensions, dominance-focused AL and discipline-focused AL. At the core of dominance-focused AL is tactical control for the purpose of triggering fear and obedience in subordinates. Discipline-focused AL emphasizes discipline with the purpose of triggering a dedicated work attitude in subordinates. Previous studies on AL have mostly been conducted at the dimensional level. Although it is possible to understand the respective effects of leaders demonstrating dominance-focused AL and discipline-focused AL, the present study focuses on the effects of variables and the linear relationship between variables. As a result, this study does not classify leaders in organizations unless true profiles derived from people are considered. The operating mechanisms of dominance-focused AL and discipline-focused AL are completely different, and the correlation between the two types of leadership is low, indicating that dominance-focused AL and discipline-focused AL should be mutually independent concepts. In addition, employees are more inclined to perceive a supervisor's leadership as falling into different categories in practice, and using this category as the basis of interaction supports the concept that AL is a profile model. In Study 1, latent profile analyses (LPA) were conducted using two sets of data, with 239 and 286 samples, to explore the appearance of various types of AL in real life. The results of both showed that there were three types of AL: the strongman type (high dominance-focused AL and high discipline-focused AL), the discipline type (low dominance-focused AL and high discipline-focused AL), and the atypical type (low dominance-focused AL and low discipline-focused AL). Nearly half of the supervisors included in the study were discipline type. Study 2 collected paired samples from 102 supervisors and 271 subordinates in Taiwanese enterprise organizations. The LPA typology results were confirmed to be the same as in Study 1. Then, the effects of the three types of profiles were examined, and the results showed that the discipline type had the strongest effects on subordinate task performance, acquiescence, and defensive silence, while the strongman and uncontrolled types each had their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. This paper includes a comprehensive discussion of the two studies' results and proposes the implications, limitations, and future directions of research based on the research findings.


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