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Perspectives from Health and Communication Models: Modeling the Relationships among Food- Safety Information Reception, Perceived Susceptibility and Severity, Information Sharing, and Prevention



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Drawing on both health and communication theoretical models, this study explores the relationships among food-safety information reception, perceived susceptibility and severity, information sharing, and preventive actions. Results show that receiving food-safety information from television increases perceived susceptibility and severity, whereas receiving relevant information from the Internet does not significantly relate to these outcomes. The increased perception of susceptibility and severity in turn raises preventive actions via information sharing online and offline, respectively. The results further illustrate that receiving food-safety information from television and the Internet increases the sharing of relevant information offline and online, respectively, which in turn enhances the number of preventive actions people take. Overall, these findings indicate that diverse sources of food-safety information shape reactions toward food-safety risks differently, and that information sharing is an important mechanism through which information reception, perceived susceptibility, and severity transform into preventive actions.


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