Land use is the human activity affecting by economical, cultural, political and historical factors and presents complex, uncertainty and spatiotemporal characteristics. This paper analyzes spatiotemporal land use mosaic in urban fringe, Hsichih city, and impacts of land use strategies on land use change. The process of this study is follows: First, we calculate the landscape index after classifying land use categories from SPOT satellite imageries form 1990 to 2001 in study area. Moreover, to analyze the land use area transition between high and low density vegetation areas and building areas. Thirdly, to analyze land use characterizes changed in landscape and class scale level from 1990 to 2001 according to the landscape index. Finally, the work presents relationship between policies of land use control and land use change. The findings reveal that spatial character of landscape and high density vegetation became fragmental before 1998 but aggregative after 1998. The turning point of the tremendous change in low density vegetation is 1996. Building area presented different trends in 1990-1995, 1995-1997 and 1997-2001 periods, respectively. Otherwise, patch and spatial metrics are suitable to response the land use mosaic between high and low density vegetation areas and building areas. Impact of building development on high density vegetation area is stronger than the low one. These differences of control strategies in hillside affect the transition relationship between different land uses and spatial distribution. Based on the conclusion in methodology, we find that landscape ecological metrics significantly characterize spatiotemporal land use mosaic in landscape and class scale. On the other hand, they illustrated land use control strategies affecting structural change in landscape, low and high density vegetation areas, and building areas in Hsichih city in three stages ,1990-1993, 1994-1997, 1998-2001, respectively.