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How the Rent and Housing Quality of the Rental Market?




租屋市場 租金 住宅品質

Parallel abstracts

Asymmetric housing quality and rent are a big issue in Taiwan's rental market. This study uses the Hedonic price theory and the spatial regression model to analyze the relation between housing quality and rent in different types of rental property based on data scraped from 591 rental websites. Empirical results indicate that "subdivided room" and "studio" properties have 6.5% and 2.4% higher unit price per floor than "apartment" respectively. This finding implies that in the rental market, lower quality housing has higher rental unit price. Furthermore, the empirical results also indicate that the differences between the monthly rent of "room to share" and "subdivided studio", and between the monthly rent of "subdivided studio" and "studio", are 25.9% and 11% respectively due to the independent bathroom, doorplate, entrance and exit. The empirical evidence in this study indicates the effect of different types of rental housing on rents. We conclude that the governments should construct a rental model from big data to provide a reference for the renters, reduce the problem of asymmetry in rental market information, and form a sound rental market.

Parallel keywords

Rental market Rent Housing Quality


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