  • 期刊


A Non-stopping Competition: The Effects of Summer Activities on High School Students' Educational Achievements


本研究在臺灣升學主義脈絡下,討論家庭在暑假期間提供學生系統性的暑期活動,是否能夠有效提升中學生的各項分析能力及其階級差異;並檢視過去暑期活動相關研究在方法論上的爭議,採用固定效果模型(fixed effects model)解決學生暑期活動安排可能存在的自我篩選的內生性問題,為理論提供更細緻的實證分析。本研究採用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS)第一波至第三波國中樣本,分析結果發現高社經地位家庭能夠提供子女更多參與結構性暑期活動的機會;再者,結構性暑期活動的影響效果依分析能力類型而異,除了才藝課程的負向影響之外,大多有助於學生各項分析能力的提升,但影響效果十分有限。最後,非勞動階級背景的學生參與學業相關課程及閱讀課外書籍獲益的程度高於勞動階級背景的學生;而參與語言及電腦相關課程則對非勞動階級的學生較有益。本文結果在理論及方法論層次上,回應並補充過去研究觀點,並於文末討論教育制度的變化可能如何影響暑期活動的效果與方向,及其對於學生的衝擊。


In the Taiwanese context of credentialism, this study aims to examine the effects of summer activities on high school students' educational achievements and to illustrate how selection biases impact the estimates. Using data from the first three waves of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), this study finds that students from higher socioeconomic status (SES) families have more opportunities to participate in summer activities than those from lower SES families. Moreover, the fixed effects model analyses reveal that participating in academic related activities and reading extra-curricular books have positive influence on students' achievements, whereas taking extra-curricular activities, such as music or painting courses, is not beneficial for their achievements. Nevertheless, these effects are quite small. Finally, the positive effects of participating in academic related activities and reading books are greater for the students with higher-class parents than those with working-class parents, while participating in language and computer-related activities is more beneficial for the students with working-class parents than those with higher-class parents. The implications of these findings for changes in the educational system are also discussed.


周金城 2004 〈學生的課後輔導、補習與家教情況調查〉。《台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫電子報》,第十五期。2010年4月25日,取自http://www.teps.sinica.edu.tw/TEPSNews/TEPS~News_015.pdf (Chou, Chin-cheng, 2004, “The Survey of the after School Activities, Cramming, and Tutoring,” Taiwan Educational Panel Survey Newsletter, No.15. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from http://www.teps.sinica.edu.tw/TEPSNews/TEPS~News_015.pdf )
周金城 2005 〈學生的暑期活動調查〉。《台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫電子報》,第三十六期。2010 年4 月 25日,取自 http://www.teps.sinica.edu.tw/TEPSNews/TEPS~News_036.pdf (Chou, Chin-cheng, 2005, “The Survey of the Summer Activities,” Taiwan Educational Panel Survey Newsletter, No.36. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from http://www.teps.sinica.edu.tw/TEPSNews/TEPS~News_036.pdf)
林俊瑩(2007)。檢視個人與家庭因素、學校因素對學生學業成就的影響:以SEM 與 HLM 分析我國國中教育階段機會均等及相關問題。高雄師範大學教育學系=Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University。
