孝道的「認同」和「實踐」分屬於兩種不同的表現層次,前者為「心理」層次,後者則屬於「行為」層次。本研究使用「華人家庭動態資料庫」(Panel Study of Family Dynamics, PSFD)的兩代配對資料,以實證的角度檢視臺灣社會中,親、子兩代對於「婚後同住」以及「奉養父母」之孝道觀念是否存在認同差異,並觀察兩代的孝道認同度是否會深刻影響到兩代同住的實踐。我們發現,子代不論在「同住觀念」或是「奉養觀念」上的認同度均比親代來得高,因此並不支持「傳統孝道觀念逐漸消失」的論點。另一方面,考慮父母在「同住決策」中可能扮演的角色,我們分別應用「單變數probit模型」及「部分可觀察資訊之雙變數probit模型」進行比較分析;估計結果發現,子代對「婚後同住」孝道的認同度確實會影響到其與父母同住的意願。
Identification and implementation of filial piety differ from each other, as the former is a psychological issue and the latter is a behavioral one. This study examines whether a higher level of identification with filial piety concepts by both generations significantly increases the propensity toward coresidence using PSFD (Panel Study of Family Dynamics) data. Considering that elderly parents may participate in the co-residence decision, we adopt not only a conventional univariate probit model but also a bivariate probit model with partial observability to explain the nuclearization of the family structure in modern Taiwan. Our empirical results show that filial piety is not diminishing in Taiwan's society, and that the strength of filial norms has a positive impact on adult sons' propensity to live with their parents.