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Intergenerational Influences, Educational Expectation, and Transition to Parenthood Among Young Taiwanese Adults



Social scientists have long been interested in how an increase in educational status affects childbearing intentions and behavior, leading to the postponement of parenthood. What has been missing is information on whether attitudes toward education at earlier ages predict fertility outcomes, and on how parents' attitudes affect children during their transition to adulthood. Using longitudinal panel data from the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) between 2000 and 2017, we examine the relationship between adolescents' educational expectations and the timing of their entry into parenthood. Aside from children's own attitudes, we also address how parents' attitudes with respect to a child's education influence this same timing. We find that higher educational expectations contribute to a delay in parenthood or a decision to have fewer children. In addition, parents' educational preferences for their child have an independent effect on the child’s timing of entry into parenthood. There are notable gender differences regarding the relationship between educational attitudes and the transition into parenthood. Specifically, parents' attitudes have greater bearing on men than women. Young adult men whose parents expect them to attend a graduate program and complete a post-bachelor's degree have the lowest rate of entering parenthood at a younger age. And young adult women with an expectation of receiving a bachelor's degree (but not a post-bachelor's degree) are more likely to postpone the timing of transition into parenthood. The implications of these findings are discussed in the conclusion.

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過去已有許多研究探討教育與生育兩者的關係,並提供豐富的研究成果。文獻指出,教育的擴張提升了個人教育地位,改變其生育意願與生育行為,延遲了「開始為人父母」(entry into parenthood)的年紀,形成「晚生或不生」的現象。然而至今尚未有足夠的實證研究,探討個人在早期(青少年)階段的教育態度與抱負如何影響其成年後的生育行為。同樣的,儘管文獻已指出父母的教育期望會影響子女的學業成就,但是否會進一步影響子女日後的生育抉擇與行為,相關的研究至今仍付之闕如。本研究合併臺灣青少年成長歷程研究2000-2017年的資料,探討青少年於國中階段的教育期望、是否會影響其成年後生第一胎的年齡(即初次為人父母的年紀),也同時檢視父母對國中子女的教育期望是否影響其成年後的初育年齡。在控制其他因素後,本文發現:一、教育期望愈高者愈有可能晚生或不生。二、父母親的影響效果對男性比較大,當父母親期待兒子大學畢業後繼續念研究所或深造,兒子愈可能晚生或不生。三、對女性來說,如果期望取得大學文憑,愈可能晚生或不生;但如果女性期望大學畢業後繼續念研究所或深造,對其生育未有影響。本文將從傳統與現代性別意識規範兩者的交織影響、高教擴張與職場性別階層化等層面來解釋這些差異。


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