  • 期刊

Industrial development appraisal - The case of Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam, 2000-2020



Vietnam is developing in industrialization and modernization, focusing on shifting labor from agriculture to manufacturing and services. Industrial zones act as a driving force for regional development. This study proposed a diversity assessment to evaluate industrial development in Vietnam through the case of Binh Phuoc province. Previously, the impact of growth centers was often assessed wholly based on the data and methods of economics. The project evaluation is limited to a narrow aspect and lost the big picture with other related issues. In this case, the diversity of other factors, such as land-use efficiency, implementation policies, and consequences of achieving development goals, has not been evaluated. As of 2021, Binh Phuoc province has 15 industrial zones in operation and may grow by another 41 industrial zones (including industrial parks and industrial clusters). By applying the STEEP analysis, this study proposes a multi-angle assessment framework to assess industrial development. It aims to determine this topic through socioeconomics, land use planning, and political issues. At first, the study incorporates primary and secondary data by using case study methods in an experimental assessment. After that, the geographically weighted regression (GWR) and the provincial competitiveness index (PCI) were applied. The research period was from 2000 to 2020. The research found that setting the economic indicators as the target could not evaluate the development procedure accurately and comprehensively. Although the economic indicators show that industrial parks play an essential role in economic development, the other factors (such as land-use planning, industrial development management, and policies) remain vulnerable. These problems prevent the growth of locality in the future. The research provides a new assessment method to present a more comprehensive point of view to appraise industrial parks' overall development effectively. The research can be a valuable reference for local governments for the next development phase.


越南正致力於工業化與現代化發展,聚焦於從農業部門轉移勞動力到製造與服務部門。工業區扮演著驅動區域發展的角色。本研究通過平福省的案例,提出了評估越南工業發展的多樣性評估。以前,增長中心的影響往往完全基於經濟學的數據和方法來評估。項目評估局限於一個狹窄的方面,失去了與其他相關問題的大局。在這種情況下,其他因素的多樣性,如土地利用效率、實施政策、實現發展目標的後果等,都沒有得到評估。截至2021年,平福省有15個工業區在運作,並可能再增加41個工業區(包括工業園區和產業集群)。通過運用STEEP分析,本研究提出了一個多角度的評估框架來評估工業發展。它旨在通過社會經濟學、土地利用規劃和政治問題來確定這一主題。首先,本研究通過使用案例研究方法在實驗性評估中納入了主要和次要數據。之後,利用地理加權迴歸(Geographically weighted regression, GWR)和省級競爭力指數(Provincial Competitiveness Index, PCI)進一步評估。研究期間為2000年至2020年。研究發現,將經濟指標作為目標不能準確、全面地評價發展過程。儘管經濟指標表明工業園區在經濟發展中發揮了重要作用,但其他指標(如土地使用規劃、工業發展管理和政策)仍然很不明顯。這些問題阻礙了地方的未來發展。本研究,提供了一種新的評估方法,以更全面的觀點來有效地評估工業園區的整體發展。本研究可作為地方政府下一步發展的重要參考。


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