背景:鼻成形術所使用的自體移植物材料可取用鼻中隔軟骨、耳殼軟骨、肋軟骨、頭骨及腸骨等,本文為探討耳殼軟骨移植物在開放式鼻成形術的運用。 方法:自2002年10月起,收集於本院接受開放式鼻成形術而運用自體耳殼軟骨移植物的患者,加以回溯性分析。 結果:2002年10月至2004年6月間,共有15名患者接受鼻成型術而使用自體耳殼軟骨移植,共取用16側耳殼軟骨,其中男性13名,女性2名,平均年齡24.7歲。手術路徑除l側複層移植自耳殼前面切口外,其餘15側均自耳殼後面切口。運用耳殼軟骨移植物,成功矯正鼻扭曲、馬鞍鼻,及先天性唇裂鼻的外觀缺陷。術後耳殼疤很不明顯,傷口無感染、血腫、變形等併發症產生。 結論:接受鼻成形術的病患如因先前鼻中隔軟骨手術、外傷或感染等,造成自體鼻中隔軟骨移植材料不足,或用於鼻尖形狀的修飾時,耳殼軟骨是很好的選擇材料。
BACKGROUND: Autograft material used in rhinoplasty include cartilaginous grafts (from the septal, auricular, and costal cartilages) and bony grafts (from the iliac and calvarial bones). The purpose of this study was to present the experiences of using auricular cartilage grafts in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. METHODS: Since October 2002, data on patients who underwent open rhinoplasty with autogenous auricular cartilages were retrospectively obtained. RESULTS: From October 2002 to June 2004, fifteen patients (13 males and 2 females) who underwent open rhinoplasties with 16 procedures involving harvesting of an auricular cartilage graft were included in the study. Their ages ranged from 21 to 56 years with a mean age of 24.7 years. Among them, an anterior auricular approach was used on one patient, and a posterior auricular approach was used on the others. A twisted nose, saddle nose, and congenital cleft lip nose were successfully treated using open rhinoplasty with autogenous auricular cartilage. After surgery, there were no obvious auricular scars, and no complications involving infection, hematoma, or deformities. CONCLUSIONS: The auricular cartilage is suggested for use an autograft material in patients who are to receive nasal tip modification and/or who have insufficient septal autograft material due to a previous septal operation, trauma, or infection.