The main branches of basilar artery (BA) are posterior cerebral arteries, superior cerebellar arteries (SCA), and anterior inferior cerebellar arteries (AICA). SCA, AICA and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries (PICA) from vertebral arteries (VA) supply the whole cerebellum and partial brainstem, and they are peripherally anastomosed. A 66-year-old male presented with persistent bilateral tinnitus, and frequent episodes of vertigo and headache for half a year. Head shaking test and left-rotated head thrust test were positive. Pure tone audiometry showed bilateral high tone sensori-neural hearing loss. Auditory brainstem-evoked response showed the latency and inter-latency of I and III wave were more prolonged in the left than the right. Left-directed optokinetic nystagmus test and bilateral optokinetic after nystagmus test showed abnormal waves. Vestibular evoked myogenic potential showed more prolonged latency of P13 and N23 wave in the left than the right. Therefore, migrainous vertigo was diagnosed, and impairment of left brainstem and left vestibule were highly suspected. Finally, time-offlight magnetic resonance angiogram showed a defect of posterior circle of Willis and a branch anomaly of vertebral-basilar artery (VBA)-only one left inferior cerebellar artery, instead of left AICA and left PICA, originated from BA. Because the branch anomaly of VBA is rare and limited in the literature, we reported the case. Though it is yet of unknown significance, and did not explicate any relation with his symptoms, we suggest it encourages migrainous vertigo during migraine attack.