目的:以眼球外展運動來放鬆眼球及放鬆調節力之臨床試驗 方法:以刊登海報方式募集了60位患有近視之自願者,並將其分為實驗組(41人)與對照組(19人)。分組結果未告知自願者。所有自願者均戴用外觀相同但內含不同鏡片之視力訓練儀器(實驗組為稜凸透鏡,對照組為平光鏡片);並在三星期內,於三公尺距離觀看電視一小時,共十次。每次訓練前後,均量取近視度數與瞳孔大小。訓練時之不適症狀則以問卷方式於每次訓練後調查。 結果:十次訓練後,實驗組平均減少0.28±0.03D,對照組平均減少0.06±0.03D。兩組間有十分具統計學意義之差異(mean difference=0.22±0.05D, paired t=4.323, p=0.000)。每次訓練後,兩組之瞳孔大小均未縮減,顯示度數之降低並非針孔效應之影響。訓練初期之短暫不適症狀,於訓練中期均已消失。 結論:本實驗發現,戴用稜凸透鏡之實驗組,與對照組之度數變化有具統計學意義之差異。此差異應為放鬆調視或過度調視(如假性近視)的改善所引起。進一步的臨床觀察:「長期利用此種眼球外展運動,來減緩近視加深的速度」,則正在進行中。
Purpose: To study the effect of targeted divergence exercise on eye strain and relax of accommodation. Method: 60 myopic volunteers were recruited through poster advertisement and allocated into the test (41) and control (19) groups by order of presentation. The subjects were blinded to their allocations. All subjects wore a vision training device containing convex prism lenses (test) or plano lenses (control) and watched television at a three meter distance for ten sessions lasting one hour each over a three week period. Their refractive error and pupil size were measured before and after each session. Adverse symptoms were measured through questionnaires completed after each session. Results: After the tenth session, the test group showed a mean reduction in measured refractive error of 0.28±0.03D, while the Controls showed a mean reduction of 0.06±0.03D. A paired t-test yielded a significant difference in mean reduction between the groups (mean difference=0.22±0.05D, paired t=4.323, p=0.000). The measured pupil size in both groups did not reduce following training, thus showing the improvement in vision was not a result of pinhole effect by pupil miosis. The subjects experienced brief, fully reversible discomfort in initial sessions only. Conclusion: We found a statistically significant reduction in measured refractive error, likely due to the relax of accommodation or the reversal of over accommodation (e.g. pseudomyopia), when test subjects performed ocular divergency exercise using the ocular training device. Longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate the long term effect of ocular divergency vision training on myopic progression.