  • 期刊


Exploring the Possibility of Moral Practice in Xunzi




"Li" is regarded as an important concept in Confucianism. While the Analects and Mencius both regard li as a kind of external expression of inner morality, Xunzi proposes that "li is created by the sage", and is the result of the learning effort of human beings in response to the external context rather than a kind of inner virtue since Xunzi believes that human nature is evil. As a result, the pursuit of morality requires a conscious transformation of innate human nature by learning from ritual and self-reflecting the external impact, instead of a manifestation of inherent moral characteristics. Hence, Xunzi is always criticized that his theory of li is unable to be established since people are born lacking moral values. In this paper, I try to explain how moral conscience is possible by re-examining the self-cultivation process of sages and how morality could be possible within the framework of Xunzi.


Xunzi li-yi self-cultivation of Sage moral practice


[清]王先謙撰;沈嘯寰、王星賢點校:《荀子集解》,北京:中華書局,2016 年。
勾承益:《先秦禮學》,成都:巴蜀書社,2002 年。
牟宗三:《名家與荀子》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,1979 年。
佐藤將之:《參於天地之治:荀子禮治政治思想的起源與構造》,臺北:國立臺灣大學出版中心,2016 年。
