





Structural design is an iterative process for optimum selection, which relies on structural analysis results and experience from structural engineers. Since iterative structural analysis is a necessary for getting a good design, accelerating structural analysis is an important task. In this work, we adopt deep learning approaches as a surrogate model for linear static analysis, which provides fast and accurate structural response prediction. Based on the similarity between the structure's topology and graph data structure, we represent structures as graphs and leverage graph neural networks (GNNs) to learn the relationship between given external forces and corresponding structural responses. The GNN model is trained with random-generated structures, including random story number, span number, beam-column length, and value of external forces. The results show that the GNN model has good performance on displacement and force predictions and excellent generalizability on unseen, taller structures. In addition, it is shown that based on the analysis of feature importance, the GNN model can extract important physical attributes from the input features.




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