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The Impact of IRS Audits on Tax Avoidance of U.S. Multinational Firms



We examine the effect of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits on U.S. multinational companies (U.S. MNCs). We find the IRS audits positively affect U.S. MNCs' worldwide effective tax rate, suggesting that U.S. MNCs conduct less tax avoidance when expecting more IRS audits. Additionally, we find the IRS audits deter MNCs' domestic tax avoidance more than foreign tax avoidance. These results are robust using alternative IRS audits and tax avoidance variables. We also find the IRS audits reduce U.S. MNCs' income shifting. The evidence that the IRS audits reduce tax avoidance and income shifting remains consistent after using two-stage regressions.

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公司避稅 稅務查核 跨國公司 所得移轉


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