目標:利用全國死亡檔及發生檔資料透過地理資訊系統(GIS)編纂台灣地區1972-2001年癌症死亡率及1995-1998年癌症發生率的電子地圖。方法:採用三種指標繪製死亡率及發生率彩色地圖,分別是「直接年齡標準化死亡/發生率等級圖」、「直接年齡標準化死亡/發生率與全人口死亡/發生率比較圖」及「補點式卜瓦松趨勢面分析圖」。當各種圖形繪製完成後,再利用Visual Basic 6.0版程式及Map Objects LT 2.0版將各種圖形整合,收錄於同一張光碟片中。結果:提供地理特徵圖及各種癌症死亡/發生率的電子地圖,並提供一系列的功能按鈕,包括地圖放大、縮小、平移、癌症資料顯示工具、恢復原大小、死亡率/發生率切換扭、男女按扭、三種繪製指標按扭、國際比較圖、性別年齡別曲線圖、死亡率長期趨勢圖、自定圖例數值及列印等功能。結論:電子地圖具有製作成本低廉、傳播速度快、數據更新容易、可顯示圖上每一點相關數據、可更改圖例及整合多種圖形界面等優點,有助於闡明台灣地區重要癌症的危險因子。
Objective: To construct an electric atlas of cancer mortality (1972-2001) and incidence (19951998) in Taiwan by using a Geographic Information System (GIS), Methods: Three sets of color maps were made based on ”Age-Adjusted Mortality by Rate”, ”Age-Adjusted Mortality by Rank” and ”Imputed Poisson Trend Surface”. For the production of the electric atlas, the Visual Basic (version 6.0) and Map Objects LT (version 2.0) software were used to integrate the three sets of color maps. Results: The electric atlas provides the information with regard to the population density, birth rate, ethnic distribution, geology, topography, soil and mortality/incidence rate, with a series of functions buttons including Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan, Auto Identify, Zoom to Full Extent, mortality/incidence switch button, sex button, index button, international comparison, age-specific rate, secular trend of cancer mortality, legend and print button. Conclusion: The electric atlas is a cheap and fast tool. The electric atlas integrates various cancer maps. Therefore, it becomes more powerful for examining spatial patterns, quicker for comparing the various maps, and easier for updating and identifying the data. Using the electric atlas in Taiwan could elucidate the risk factors of cancer.