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The prevalence rate and depression underlying adolescent dating violence among Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Shanghai



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Objectives: This study aims to examine the prevalence rates and depression underlying adolescent dating violence in three different Chinese societies: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Methods: Data were collected via self-report measurements from a probability sample of 3,138 students in 42 middle and senior high schools. The measures included Dating Violence Scale and Adolescent Depression Inventory. Results: The research results show that 31.7% of the participants had dating experiences and that they started dating at the age of 13.7 on average. Among those who dated in Taiwan, the prevalence rate for dating violence perpetration is 22.5%, and the prevalence rate for dating violence victimization is 29.9%. Among those who dated in Hong Kong, the prevalence rate for dating violence perpetration is 32.2%, and the prevalence rate for dating violence victimization is 42.7%. Among those who dated in Shanghai, the prevalence rate for dating violence perpetration is 22.5%, and the prevalence rate for dating violence victimization is 49.2%. A comparison of the three above-mentioned Chinese societies shows that the prevalence rates are significantly different: Hong Kong has highest prevalence rate for dating violence perpetration, and Shanghai has highest prevalence rate for dating violence victimization. Moreover, t-test shows that the depressive degrees are significantly higher among dating violence victims than those who do not have dating violence experiences. Conclusions: The present findings of the high prevalence rates in dating violence underscore the importance of relationship education and dating violence prevention and intervention programs for adolescents.


李文傑、吳齊殷:棒打出壞子?青少年暴力行為的連結機制。台灣社會學 2004;(7):1-46。doi:10.6676/TS.2004.7.1。 Lei MK, Wu CI. Bad parents, bad kids? The linkages of adolescence violent behaviors. Taiwanese Sociol 2004;(7):1-46. doi:10.6676/TS.2004.7.1. [In Chinese: English abstract]
Li X, Huang CYS, Shen ACT. Romantic involvement and adolescents’ academic and psychosocial functioning in Chinese societies. Child Youth Serv Rev 2019;96:108-17. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.11.036.
Hickman LJ, Jaycox LH, Aronoff J. Dating violence among adolescents: Prevalence, gender distribution, and prevention program effectiveness. Trauma Violence Abus 2004;5:123-42. doi:10.1177/1524838003262332.
Straus MA. Prevalence of violence against dating partners by male and female university students worldwide. Violence Against Women 2004;10:790-811. doi:10.1177/1077801204265552.
Jouriles EN, McDonald R, Garrido E, Rosenfield D, Brown AS. Assessing aggression in adolescent romantic relationships: can we do it better? Psychol Assess 2005;1 7:469-75. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.17.4.469.

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