The current PRC's ”democratization of international relations” arguments emphasis on equality, respect to the national diversities and international regimes, joint participation on world affairs. Based on the superiority of democracy, the multiplicity of the world, the need to deal with transnational affairs, and the trend toward multipolarity in international system, these ”democratization of international relations” articulations are efforts to provide a moral and rhetoric way to counter the US hegemony after the cold war, and the coherent logical extensions of the ”five principles of peaceful coexistence” and the ”new security concepts.” However, there are considerable inconsistencies and contradictions within these arguments; making them not sublime enough on one hand and unfeasible on the other; and thus setting limits on their utilities in international arena. To overcome these weaknesses, PRC's ”democratization of international relations” arguments need further refining and should make a choice between idealistic slogan and realistic policy initiatives.