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The Designation and Power Relationship of the International Actors



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International relations have explored much the nature and characters of the international system, in which different theorists regard that state is the most important and decisive actor. Though there are numerous discussions on the non-state actors in the international system, much is put on the activities of international organizations, non-governmental organizations as well as multinational companies.The Social Constructivism outlines that the state is the primary agent which constructs the international social structure, however, we can not exclude the fact that other non-state actors are also actors with agency, who plays a role in the process of international structure construction. Different actors produce and reproduce in the international structure the international norms of state superiority. The international culture of state superiority is called the Westphalia system, whose process of constructing and reconstructing forge international actors' social status, power resources as well as the constraints upon their behavior.In this article, author first introduces the arguments on the designation of the international actors. Then the state-centric position of the neorealism is under analysis which reviews the perspectives of the behavior constrain posed unitary by the international structure on the actors. The idea of Social Constructivism about the duality of structure will be the third part which searches the on-going effect of agents in the process of constructing and reconstructing the social structure. Author concludes that Westphalia system is an international culture within which the actors' power hierarchical status is legalized and legitimated.


Weber M.、康樂編譯(1996)。支配的類型:韋伯選集。台北:遠流。
Weber M.、林榮遠譯(1998)。經濟與社會。北京:商務印書館。
Weber M.、林榮遠譯(1998)。經濟與社會。北京:商務印書館。

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