Hunter is by nature the enemy of the conservationist. Under what condition, however, a hunter would surrender the hunting rifle but engage in conservation by applying his knowledge about the prey? Since hunting is a self-interest action in contrast to conservation that is driven by public-spirited incentive, a transition like this the rise of civil society and thus the course itself and the factors behind it is worthy of careful examination. Conservation is to pursue the interest of a larger society at the costs of economic opportunity of local communities. A workable action theme therefore needs to combine the interests of both by putting conservation and community development under the same framework for contemplation. This study examines the case of conserving Gray-faced Buzzard in Manzhou County where local folks consider the bird as the gift from the God to help them survive the economic difficulty. It takes more means than simply banning such activities. External resources are mobilized and sophisticated scheme has been deployed with involvement of governmental agencies, voluntary associations, and academia. How these actors interact to depict a complicate picture of ecological politics at grassroots level.