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The Gap between Citizens' Cognition of Referendum and Their Participation: An Analysis from the Experience of Direct Democracy & Governance in Taiwan



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After the general presidential election in 1996 and the peaceful transfer of political power in 2000, the Referendum Act was passed in 2003 and its first realization in 2004 was regarded as a milestone for Taiwan's democratic development and public governance. This article analyzes Taiwan citizens' cognition of and participation in referendum for the first time in the 2004 election. Specifically, we try to explore whether the citizens' participation is driven by their expectation of the substantive policy issues and political efficacy, or is simply motivated by other non-policy factors such as unification-independence ideology and party identity. Four categories of how respondents' cognition of referendum and their participation in reality converge or diverge are identified. In addition, the underlying mechanism influencing their behaviors are analyzed. By analyzing the 1,781 respondents from Taiwan Social Change Survey (2004), we find that in consistence with the current literature, national ideology and party identity did influence the acting and participation in referendum. However, if we take the normative attitude toward policy-making into account, the influence of national ideology will be diminished dramatically. The result reveals two important policy implications. First, people expect strongly that public opinion should play an important role in policy-making process. This expectation will furthermore affect their willingness of participation in the direct democracy. Second, people are extremely anxious for more channels of participation in policy-making. Effective governance for a modern democracy therefore is to expand and reinforce more diversified channels of participation in policy-making for the public.


王鼎銘,2007,〈成本效益、公民責任與政 治參與:2004年公民投票的分析〉, 《東吳政治學報》,第25卷第1期,頁 1-37。
王鼎銘、郭銘峰、黃紀,2008,〈選制轉變 過程下杜佛傑心理效應之檢視:從日本 眾議院選制變革的經驗來觀察〉,《問 題與研究》,第47卷第3期,頁1-28。
林水波,2004,〈臺灣代議政治的信任門 檻〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,第1 卷第1 期,頁119-141。
林瓊珠、蔡佳泓,2010,〈從成案到投票: 2008年討黨產與入聯公投的公投意向與 參與行為〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,第7 卷第3期,頁45-85。
吳俊德、陳永福,2005,〈投票與不投票的 抉擇―2004年總統大選與公民投票的 探索性研究〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,第 2卷第4期,頁67-98。

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