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An Analysis on the Relations between Geopolitics and State Sovereignty-Comparative Case Studies on Chechnya, Kosovo and Taiwan




地緣政治 國家主權 車臣 科索沃 臺灣

Parallel abstracts

The NATO's intervention in Kosovo in 1999 and the independence of Kosovo in 2008 have provoked a storm of criticisms and controversies in the policy communities across Europe and Russia. In contrast with the realities and the subsequent controversies with respect to Kosovo, the independence movement of Chechnya has been relatively overlooked by the Western countries. Clearly, the referring different Western response to the crisis over Chechnya cannot be explained solely by reference to the norms of sovereignty or non-intervention. Rather, a more complete understanding of the differences requires a closer examination of what have led to conflicts over Chechnya, and the ways in which conflicts were framed--both in Russia and in the West. Specifically, more attention is to be paid to the geopolitics and balance of power. Therefore, this article intends to propose a geopolitical model, using ”regional approach” spanning across the domestic, international and global levels. Exploring the cases of Chechnya and Kosovo, this article will re-examine the ideas of state sovereignty through the lens of Critical Geopolitics. The findings will then be applied in a critical manner to look into cross-strait relations, in the context of regionalization and globalization.

Parallel keywords

Geopolitics Sovereignty Chechnya Kosovo Taiwan


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