  • 期刊


Dioxin Pollution and Health Hazards


近些年來,隨著環保意識的提升以及珍惜地球天然資源,許多環境污染問題如稻米鎘中毒、飲用水污染、空氣污染等逐漸浮現出來,戴奧辛(dioxin)污染就是其中之一。2004年台南市安南區的台鹼安順廠海水儲水池土堤崩塌,該地區潛藏已久的戴奧辛污染問題開始受到重視。除此之外,諸如中鋼、竹科焚化爐污染、彰化縣線西鄉鴨場鴨蛋污染、魚卵污染等戴奧辛污染事件等,也都是近來台灣重要的環保議題。戴奧辛類化合物是公認人工化合物中毒性最高的化合物,有「世紀之毒」之稱,它除了對於人體健康有多種危害外,也有致癌性,其中2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin(TCDD)更被國際癌症研究中心歸類為人類確定致癌物。戴奧辛化學結構穩定,一旦產生之後不易分解,且具高脂溶性,因而會累積於自然界的食物鏈之中,進而危害食物鏈最頂端的人類。在國內,主要的戴奧辛排放源是廢棄物焚化爐、燒結爐、煉鋼業電弧爐、金屬冶鍊等,對於這些事業相關的職業暴露人員,應訂立安全工作準則與各種作業的標準流程,並給予完善防護措施,與定期追蹤身體狀況。爲了對戴奧辛排放進行削減,民國95年1月2日行政院環保署制定及發布固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準,希望能藉由排放減量逐步控制國內的戴奧辛污染。臨床上對於戴奧辛中毒除了氯痤瘡(chloracne)外,尚無有效的治療方式,故應給予正確的資訊關於戴奧辛在環境中如何生成與循環,如何進入人體產生危害等,以免一般民眾因為資訊的缺乏而產生恐慌。為了國人的健康,政府應結合各界力量建立台灣地區戴奧辛排放資料庫,對高危險地區的環境與食品等作戴奧辛的檢測與控管,並研發適合國內污染源的戴奧辛減量技術與培養相關人才,方可將戴奧辛的危害減至最低,給子孫後代一個乾淨的生活空間。




Along with the promotion of the awareness of environmental protection, many problems concerning environmental pollution have gradually appeared in recent years: for instance, cadmium contaminated rice, polluted drinking water, and air pollution. Of course, dioxin contamination cannot be ignored. Dioxin-like compounds, ”poisons of the century,” are generally acknowledged as the toxicest among all artificial chemical compounds. Such carcinogenic compounds jeopardize human health variously; moreover, 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD) has been defined as the carcinogen against human beings by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). Due to its steady chemical structure, hardly being decomposed, and highly fat-soluble characteristics, dioxin will accumulate in food chain and further harm human beings existing at the top of the food chain. The main origins of dioxin emission in Taiwan come from waste incinerators, sinter furnaces, arc furnaces in steel manufacturing, and metallurgy. For completely protecting the employees in the industrial spheres mentioned above, secure criteria concerning occupation, standard processes regarding various operations, and the system of regular health examinations should be set. For reducing the dioxin emission, EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) has formulated and announced standards of the discharge of the stationary pollution source, dioxin. Except the cure for chloracne, there is still clinically no effective treatment for dioxin poisoning. Therefore, people should be instructed with correct knowledge, including how dioxin forms and circulates in our environment, and how it enters human bodies to produce toxicity. For citizens' health, the government should cooperate with all circles to set up the database of dioxin emission. Examining and monitoring the environment and food in high-risked areas, researching and inventing suitable techniques for decreasing the domestic dioxin pollution, and developing related person of talent, are the best strategies for minimizing the damage caused by dioxin, and for the descendents to inhabit a clean space.


Dioxin TCDD IARC PCBs chlorance



