Irwin醫師首次於1881年在刺絡針醫學雜誌提出「mal de debarquement」,該病發生於被動運動後,可能是導因於大腦皮質之重塑性適應不良,在週邊前庭的輸入減少的情況下,產生了運動幻覺,須與動暈症鑑別,主要有效的治療方式為苯重氮基鹽或選擇性血清素再吸收抑制劑。一30歲男性,自海軍潛艦退伍後,就一直苦於該病,病症持續了3個月而求診。所有理學檢查、眼振電圖、兩耳溫差測試、聽力檢查、視覺誘發電位檢查、電腦斷層及磁振造影均無異常發現。在給予抗眩暈藥2個月後,症狀並未緩解,反而在給予苯重氮基鹽2週後緩解。由於兩岸尚無相關的文獻,特於此提出一個案報告,首次將此病中文名為「登陸不適病」,期待國內職業醫學專家能認識此病,更期待未來能有更多的研究。
An 1881 article in the Lancet by Dr. Irwin mentioned mal de debarquement (MdD), a phantom motion reception occurring after passive movement. It might attribute to maladaptive cortical plasticity in presence of massive reduction of peripheral vestibular afference. It differs from motion sickness. Benzodiazepine or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor provides the most unique effective treatment. A 30-year-old male was bothered with MdD for three months after retired from being a submariner. Physical examinations, electronystagmogram, caloric test, audiometry, visual evoked potential, computed tomogram and magnetic resonance image were all unremarkable. Two months' anti-vertigo medication failed to cure his disease, but simply two weeks' benzodiazepine succeeded. Because MdD is limited in the cross-Strait literature, in order to introduce MdD to Taiwan occupation-medicine physicians, we report this case herein and first name MdD ”登陸不適病” in Chinese. Further studies should be addressed in the future.