  • 期刊


Effects of Low Power Laser on Pain and Balance Dysfunction Caused by Periostitis of Lower Limb: A Case Series


骨膜炎(periostitis)為操練過度或姿勢不正確所引起的肢體骨骼關節傷害,尤以下肢關節居多,經常伴隨下肢反覆性疼痛,影響其平衡功能,其症狀非局部性且無特別徵象,一般X光片較難看出病灶,病情診斷困難;利用核醫的骨骼掃描(skeletal scintigraphy)檢查來觀察,若結果呈放射性累積即為骨膜炎,此檢查優於傳統X光檢查,可幫助多種關節炎之診斷及追蹤。利用多自由度傾斜平台之平衡系統可量化靜態姿勢的身體方向、前後方向穩定度、側向穩定度以及總體穩定度。雷射是單一波長且經激發放射而放大的光,能量經長距離傳送不減損,自1960年起已廣泛應用於臨床醫療。本研究旨在探討低能量雷射對下肢骨膜炎短期介入的療效。以鎵鋁砷二極體雷射連續治療五天且每天三次,每天療程前後以疼痛量表及多自由度傾斜測試平台做檢測。研究結果顯示鎵鋁砷二極體雷射療程第二天至第三天的治療後,受試者患處疼痛感降低,於姿勢穩定度測試發現後測的平衡表現優於前測。結論:低能量雷射短期療程對下肢關節骨膜炎的疼痛及平衡之療效有正面效果。


Periostitis of the lower limb is a common problem in sports injury, and an appropriate treatment option is required for this medical issue. The purpose of this study was to assess pain reduction and functional improvement after low power laser therapy in the lower limbs with periostitis. A total of 29 adults (20-40 year-old) who had periostitis at our outpatient clinic were enrolled. The diagnosis of periostitis in the lower limbs was confirmed by skeletal scintigraphy. The treatment protocol adopted rehabilitation intervention involving low power laser treatment 3 times a day for 5 days, and a low-energy dosage of 1.4 J/cm^2 was provided. A pain scale was used to evaluate pain severity. Postural stability parameters, including overall stability index, anterior/posterior index, and medial/lateral index, were to determine the functional outcomes. Statistical analysis of the data showed significant improvement in the pain scale scores after low power laser therapy. Balance evaluation showed significant differences in balance parameters, for example, overall testing and grade 1-4 stability index after low power laser treatment. The results indicate that low power laser therapy might have the effect during treatment of lower-limb periostitis, even in a short-duration intervention.


low power laser periostitis lower limb
