  • 期刊

A Multi-Ethnic Comparison of Perceptions of Forest Recreation Service Quality



本研究之目的是在調查一個臨近大都會之國家森林遊樂區,檢驗多元族群之遊憩服務品質知覺,並以美國三個國內種族:安格魯裔,西班牙裔,以及亞裔為例。在已發表多元族群戶外遊憩之文章大都以活動參與類型或頻率相關做主題。既有之文獻中,很少有以森林遊樂區遊客為對象之服務品質知覺跨文化比較。從美國南加州安琪拉國家森林遊樂區遊客之抽樣調查,我們取得444位安格魯裔,312西班牙裔,以及319亞裔遊客之樣本(n=1, 075)。結果分析發現,當控制遊客在美國之代數變項之後,我們發現亞裔族群與安格魯裔及西班牙裔族群在遊憩服務品質知覺上有所不同。相較於安格魯裔及西班牙裔族群,亞裔族群有較低之服務品質知覺。我們將這樣的發現歸咎於文化價值觀之不同並提出建議供經營管理上之參考。


This study examines perceptions of service quality on an ethnically diverse national forest adjacent to a large metropolitan area, specifically looking for differences among whites, Hispanics, and Asians. Published studies of recreation and ethnicity have focused primarily on activity participation rates and patterns. The literature contains few cross–cultural comparisons of perceived service quality in a forest recreation setting. Data from a purposive convenience sample of recreationists (n=1,075) visited Angeles National Forest, California, US, includes 444 whites, 312 Hispanics, and 319 Asians. The results reveal that compared to whites and Hispanics, Asians are most distinct in service quality ratings after controlling for generational effects. In particular, Asians tend to perceive lower service quality. The implications of these findings are discussed as they relate to the role of cultural values and service quality measurement in recreation management.


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Unpublished report
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