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Reporting and Complaint-Filing of Workplace Violence: Experiences of Nurses Who Had Encountered Workplace Violence




職場暴力 通報 護理人員 管理

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Background: The reporting and complaint-filing mechanisms are important for ameliorating negative impacts of workplace violence. However, lack of convenience and confidentiality may reduce workers' motivation to make uses of these mechanisms. Purpose: This study was designed to explore the experiences of hospital nurses in the reporting and complaint-filing processes after encountering workplace violence. Methods: Eligible participants were hospital nurses who had experienced workplace violence and had made notification or filed legal complaints. A total of 17 nurses recruited through social media advertisement agreed to participate in face-to-face in-depth interviews. The interviews were conducted anonymously. Results: Findings of this study suggested that while reporting systems for workplace violence have been established in many hospitals, there were barriers in practice, including: lack of support from supervisors in assisting reporting and follow-up; lack of awareness among nurses with regard to labor regulations and organizational systems of workplace violence; inconvenience in reporting procedures; insufficient protection of victimized workers during the processes; and lack of legal resource and assistance from the management. Besides, lack of sufficient manpower also contributed to organizational inadequacy in handling workplace violence. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: We identified several problems in the reporting systems of workplace violence in hospital settings and provided recommendations for their improvement.


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