游離牙齦自體移植(free gingival graft)常運用在自然牙或人工牙根周圍角化黏膜不足區域。在下顎,頦孔(mental foramen)是一重要解剖構造,須做好完整術前評估,可運用電腦斷層掃描了解其相關位置,以避免在術中直接或間接造成神經傷害,而導致頦神經感覺異常或麻痺。術中造成神經傷害的原因可能是麻醉傷害或錯誤手術技巧。若懷疑發生頦神經傷害,可在術後執行臨床感覺測試(neurosensory examination),檢查神經傷害程度,以做為後續處置的參考。本文藉由文獻回顧,並提出一則病例報告,以做為未來面對此類手術併發症時之參考。
Free gingival grafts were often used in the area of natural teeth or dental implants with insufficient keratinized mucosa. The mental foramen is an important anatomic structure of the mandible, hence complete preoperative evaluation with computed tomography may be required to avoid direct or indirect injury to the mental nerve during surgery, which can cause mental nerve paresthesia or paralysis. The reasons that may cause nerve damage during surgery are traumatic local anesthesia or wrong operation techniques. When mental nerve injury is suspected, clinicians can perform clinical neurosensory examination, being the guideline of subsequent managements. In this article, we provide clinicians a guideline of managements for complications of mental nerve injury.