Diagnostic reference level (DRL) of medical radiation exposure is one of the most important tools for the optimization of imaging protocols in diagnostic radiology. DRL of medical radiation exposure can be categorized into the national DRL (NDRL) and the local DRL (LDRL). NDRL is established based on average-sized patient data derived from large scale surveys and triggers the first step in the optimization process, whereas LDRL may improves the imaging exams more efficiently by reviewing the corresponding dose levels annually. Based on periodic audits, if the patient doses are higher than the established DRLs, the institution shall review the examination procedures, investigate the causes, and take corrective actions. This task group report aimed to summarize the current international status, and to provide recommendations of establishments and applications of the NDRL and the LDRL. The methodology in this report largely referenced the report No. 88 of Institute to Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), UK, with more details added specifically for mammography and computed tomography (CT) according to the current situations in Taiwan. In addition, this report provided practical examples on applications of DRLs in Taiwan, including establishing NDRL for mammography and the use of LDRL in a sample hospital.