In 1982~1991, graduate-entry medical programs (GMPs) were implemented in five medical schools in Taiwan. All of the GMPs have since been suspended, except the GMP at Kaohsing Medical University. Reflections derived from the GMP experience can provide valuable information for future curricular reform and student selection methodologies. By inerviewing the educational leaders who were in charge of implementing the GMPs, this study explored their rationale, implementation, and outcomes. Results: The drives for changes were top-down (i.e., initiated by leaders), with little communication with other stakeholders. The goals of the programs were to cultivate physicians for the underserved and researchers in basic medicine, and the program were considered to have failed to achieve these purposes. The methods of selecting students included written examinations plus interviews. Little curricular and manpower changes were made to the GMPs. Many of the selected students in the GMPs were deemed profit-oriented, and lacked passion for serving the underserved or pursuing basic sciences research. The GMPs were suspended mainly because of the poor performance in basic sciences when compared to that of undergraduate-entry medical programs (UMPs). To achieve the goals of selecting good doctors for the future, educational leaders suggested more communication about changes, and a systematic plan for student selection, curricular design, teaching strategies, and evaluations. To ensure student quality, there should be a mechanism of eliminating the unsuited and a good pre-med program before entering medical school. These research results can benefit medical curricular reform and improve student selection methodologies in Taiwan.