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Specific Practice of the "Dual Evidences Method"-The application of Wang Guo-Wei's Ancient Writing Observation and Interpretation in the Study of Chinese Literature and History



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Inherited the textual researcher's spirit of truth seeking in Cing Dynasty, Wang Guo-Wei expanded the tradition historical science of 「eye prove」to be the 「dual evidences method」, connecting the facts from scientific literature and the excavations. He even expanded to be the study of a wilder area of literature and history or even to the study of culture system, from relic observation and interpretation. It can be said that he opened a new path for literature and history administers. Wang Guo-Wei's study of history can be a starter of the new history study was because he was the creator and the practicer of the 「dual evidences method」. And the fact that Wang Guo-Wei became the founder of new history study also explained in full that the 「dual evidences method」had high value in theory and significant meaning of the methodology. Its existence and widely applications had significant influences to the modernization and scientific ennoblement of Chinese literature.
