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The Development of the Protective Factors of Disaster Resilience Scale



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The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable, valid and efficient Protective Factors of Disaster Resilience Scale to evaluate resilience of disaster victims. Purposive sampling yielded 377 victims of Typhoon Morakot to participate in this study voluntarily. Data collected from 32 participants were used in the pretest, while the rest (N = 345) were used in final analyses. The researchers first reviewed literature to establish all items in this scale, then conducted item analysis and internal consistency using the pretest sample. We then conducted exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with the formal sample. The results indicate 6 factors in the Protective Factors of Disaster Resilience Scale, including "determination and problem-solving skills", "personal support", "positive traits", "stable interpersonal relationships", "assertiveness", and "balance-of-self and social skill." A total of 28 items can demonstrate good composite reliability and average variance extracted. We suggest related professionals could use this scale to assess resilience both in practice and research.


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