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The Occult Elements in N. S. Gumilev's Poems


尼古拉.斯奇潘諾維奇.古米廖夫(Николай Степанович Гумилёв, 1886-1921)是白銀時期阿克美派的創始者與代表詩人之一,短暫的十數年創作生涯當中,曾出版將近十冊的詩作。古米廖夫的詩作結構嚴謹,描寫精準且意象豐富,具有濃厚的異國他鄉色彩。阿克美派因為反對象徵主義派的朦朧晦澀,乍看之下極易被認為與之毫無關聯,然而古米廖夫受多位象徵主義派作家之指導,詩人事實上接收並延續了前輩作家對神祕學(оккультизм)的濃厚興趣,神祕學元素在他早期及晚期的作品當中尤為明顯。近年有研究指出,神祕學中的卡巴拉(каббала)寓意特別受到白銀時期的作家與思想家的關注。本文以此為切入點,首先試圖釐清神祕學與卡巴拉的定義與特點,進而探討其對古米廖夫詩作的影響與反映,冀望由此不同的角度研究古米廖夫的詩歌,能更貼近與賞析他的作品。

Parallel abstracts

Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilev was the cofounder of Acmeist movement during the silver age. There were exact image and firm rigorous structure in Gumilev's poems. Gumilev was advised by several Symbolist writers, and continued the strong interest of predecessors in occultism. The occult elements were particularly evident in his early and late works. The writers and thinkers during the silver age especially concerned the Kabbalistic allegory in Occultism. This article focused on clarifying the definition and characteristics of occultism and Kabbalah, and then explored the influence and reflection on Gumirev's poems.


Aptekman, M. Jacob’s Ladder: Kabbalistic Allegory in Russian Literature. Boston. MA: Academic Studies Press, 2011.
Blavatsky, H. P. The Secret Doctrine. NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/ Penguin, 2009.
Faivre, A. What is Occultism? In L.E. Sullivan (Ed.), Hidden Truths. Magic, Alchemy, and the Occult. NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989, pp. 3-9.
Guénon, R. Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion. Hillsdale, NY: Sophia Perennis, 2003.
Lévi, É. Transcendental Magic. Its Doctrine and Ritual. London: Rider & Company, 1962.
