在本文中我們主要針對帶後綴-нича-/-ича-的動詞進行語義、修辭及構詞層面上的探討。在語義、修辭層面上,我們以帕欽柯(В.П. Панченко)的分類為基礎,進行參數上的修正,將其分為〈事業活動〉、〈生活方式〉和〈行為與舉止〉三大類,其中大部分〈行為與舉止〉類的動詞帶負面評價意義以及具口語修辭色彩。另外,負面評價以及口語修辭色彩經常發生於動詞派生的過程當中。除此之外,部分該類動詞和帶後綴-ствова-/-ествова-或後綴-и-的動詞形成構詞同義詞。在構詞層面上,所有該類動詞皆為派生詞,其生產詞為表人名詞、非表人名詞以及性質形容詞。而另一方面,它們也可以繼續派生其它詞彙。其派生詞為表示抽象過程與事業活動意義的名詞以及表示程度加強意義的動詞。另外,多派生現象為該類動詞在構詞上的重要特徵。
The article presents research results of the verbs with the suffixes -nicha-/ -icha-. From the semantic and stylistic aspect, based on V.P. Pachinko's classification, we divide verbs with suffix -niche-/ -icha- into three subcategories: "labour activity", "living style", and "behavior and action", while making some adjustments to the parameter. The last subcategory of verbs, which has a "quality assessment" meaning, usually belongs in the spoken language and has negative connotations. Moreover, the negative connotation and the informal oral style occur in the process of derivation. It is worth mentioning that certain verbs have corresponding derivational synonyms, including verbs with the suffixes -stvova-/-estvova-or -i-. In the derivational aspect, all verbs with suffix -nicha-/-icha- are derivatives; they are derived from impersonal nouns, personal nouns, and qualitative adjectives. On the other hand, they can derive nouns that encompass the meaning of "process" or "labour activity" and verbs that have the definition of 'intensity'. It's also interesting to note that multi-derivation is a typical phenomenon for them.