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Increased Overjet In Growing Child, Problem Solving In Pediatric Dentistry


Child orthodontic of treatment system today has given satisfactory results, but there are still difficult cases that proved to handle. This is because there are still some bad habits that accompany myofungsional on a child, such as sucking fingers, posture problems and the placement of the tongue when swallowing, and abnormal breathing patterns. Overjet is a horizontal relationship between maxillary and mandibular incisors. Normal range from overjet is 2-4 mm. Increased overjet is marked by maxillary incisor;s protrusion. A 6 mm overjet will have impact on psychological and social relationship of children due to the aesthetics of the face profile. Increased overjet has relationship with Class II Angle malocclusion, Class II skeletal sagittal relationship, and mandibular retrognathia. Increased overjet case can be managed by maxillary retraction of labial segment and increasing mandibular labial segment. Case management are based of skeletal and soft tissue pattern and patient;s age. Reducing overjet can be based o n using several appliances, such as functional removable appliance to modify dental and skeletal relationship, fixed orthodontic appliances with tipping and bodily movement or using jaw reposition by orthognathic surgery. By using Twin Block functional appliance, we can observe that early treatment can be effective to reduce overjet, to change skeletal pattern, and increasing children psychology such as self - confidence by making aesthetic changes to their faces significantly. This appliances is made with 70o angle to occlusal plane. Maxillary arch lateral expansion can be achieved with expansion screw. Patient will be instructed to use the appliance 24 hours a day.
