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A Study of the School-based Curriculum Development of Three NCPCE Experimental Schools



Parallel abstracts

The ”Nine-year Curriculum Program for Compulsory Education (NCPCE)”, a landmark in Taiwan's educational reform, emphasizes school-based curriculum and integration among different subject matters, with the goal of cultivating ten basic competencies for all citizens. This study focuses on understanding the patterns of school-based curriculum development of the schools participating in an experiment project of NCPCE. The sample subjects include three experimental schools in Taipei City. This study takes the collaborative action research approach to gather qualitative data from school documents, interviews and classroom observations. Analytical methods include content analysis, coding, narrative summary and triangulation.Research findings include: (1) Building professional dialogue among teachers is the prerequisite for establishing a well-functioning school-wide curriculum development organization; (2) All three experimental schools start their experiments with small-scale readjustment of their informal curriculum;(3) The most effective strategy seems to be the one with a focused theme developed by a core group of teachers under a balanced leadership; (4) The dynamics between the top-down versus bottom-up endeavors produces four motivating patterns for school-based curriculum development. These findings provide important insight for the implementation of NCPCE by all the junior high schools in Taiwan in 2002.


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Cited by

李家鳳(2012)。蒲公英的旅行見聞── 旭日國小發展學校特色課程與課程領導之敘事探究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00412
