Should the U.S. government abandon its longstanding policy of "strategic ambiguity" and replace it with "strategic clarity" toward the Taiwan Strait? Since the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, the U.S. foreign policy community has had divergent perspectives. This essay provides a synthetical review of this debate and applies the bargaining theory of war to reexamine the rationalist foundation of the U.S. strategic clarity toward the Taiwan Strait formally. It argues that strategic clarity, defined as "the U.S. will certainly join Taiwan to counter China when a war occurs across the Taiwan Strait," cannot maintain peace and stability across the Strait due to the absence of a rationalist foundation. Deduced from the bargaining theory of war, this article shows that other things being equal, if the U.S.were to adopt a policy of strategic clarity, it would not only give China the incentive to wage a "preventive" war for de facto unification, but also give Taiwan the incentive to drag the U.S. into a war in the Taiwan Strait by violating China's "red lines." One way or another, this would jeopardize peace, security and stability in the Western Pacific and contradict the U.S. policy objectives stated in Taiwan Relations Act. Even if the rapid rise of China relative to the U.S. has dramatically altered the international environment, this paper argues that strategic ambiguity remains the most effective U.S. policy to prevent war in the Taiwan Strait.