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Effects of Cooking Methods on the Stability of Mackerel Oils


市售鯖魚,經切成體積相同的小塊後,分別進行下列四種熱處理:(1)120°C,150°C及180°C下進行烘烤處理。(2)120°C,150°C及180°C於甘油中進行油炸處理。(3)蒸煮。(4)700 watts微波處理。經不同條件烹調處理後,萃取其魚油,甲基酯化後以氣相層析分析其脂肪酸組成及含量。結果發現多元不飽和脂肪酸是魚油的主成份尤以DHA含量最高(439.4 mg/g油重),飽和脂肪酸約佔28%,而單元不飽和脂肪酸約有18%。一般而言,以越高的溫度煮魚所須的時間越短,但若調理方式不同,所用的溫度雖然相同,所需時間亦有可能不同。烘烤最費時,油炸較省時,但就DHA的保留率而,則以烘烤及微波的處理方式較佳,而蒸煮及油炸較差。雖然飽和脂肪酸比不飽和脂肪酸安定性高,但於180°C高溫處理下,所有的脂肪酸損失仍然相當可觀,若於120°C低溫長時間處理則對DHA及EPA的保留率較好。鯖魚的熱處理過程,針對DHA及EPA的保留,比較起烹煮時間,溫度的選擇可能是一個重要的關鍵因素。


魚油 油脂安定性 DHA EPA

Parallel abstracts

Fresh mackerels purchased from a local fish market were cut into pieces of same size, and then subjected to four different treatments: (1) Roasting in oven at 120°C, 150°C and 180°C. (2) Deep-frying in glycerol at 120°C, 150°C and 180 °C. (3) Heating by steam. and (4) Microwave-heating at 700 watts. After cooking, the mackerel oils were extracted followed by methesterification, and then the fatty acids of mackerel oils were then analyzed by gas chromatography. Results showed that polyunsaturated fatty acids are the majority of the fatty acids in oils, especially the DHA with content of 439.4 mg/g oil, was the most abundant fatty acid in fresh mackerel oil. The content of saturated fatty acids were 28 % and monounsaturated fatty acids were about 18% in weight of oil. In general, the higher the temperature used, the shorter the time needed to cook fish. Different thermal treatments also affected the time needed in process even the temperature was the same. Roasting in oven was the most time consuming way and deep-frying was the shortest time needed when heated at the same temperature, wile microwave-heating was the best way in time saveing and got great DHA retains. Although saturated fatty acids were more stable than unsaturated fatty acids, cooking by the way of higher temperature-shorter time (180°C) would dramatically degrad all fatty acids) especially) polyunsaturated fatty acids. Microwave-heating and low temperature-long time heating (120°C) were the better ways for DHA and EPA retaining. To neglect the temperature used in cooking) steaming and deep-frying were e worst methods in the preservation of DHA and EPA in fish. The temperature selected for cooking might be the key factor influencing DHA and EPA preservation in comparison with the time needed for cooking.

Parallel keywords

Fish oil Oil stability DHA EPA
