The purpose of this paper is to discuss the differences in sexual intercourse of high school and vocational school students in Taiwan. Sample population was drawn nationally from high school and vocational school students attending the first semester in 2011. A probability-proportional-to-size sampling (PPS) method was used to investigate 51 schools, with a total of 1,932 students. The results of the study were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in the age of first sexual intercourse between high school students and vocational students. 2. The smoking experience, sexual intercourse, and self-efficacy of condom use of vocational school students were found to be significantly higher than that of high school studens. 3. The sexual knowledge and sexual attitude towards sexual intercourse of high school students were found to be significantly higher than that of vocational school students. 4. After controlling, the factors that affect all students' sexual intercourse significantly are the school type, sex, smoking and drinking experience, sex media, sexual attitude, and self-efficacy in condom use. 5. After controlling, the factors that affect high school students' sexual intercourse significantly are the smoking experience, and sexual. 6. After controlling, the factors that affect vocational school students' sexual intercourse significantly are the sex, smoking and drinking experience, sex media, sexual attitude, and self-efficacy in condom use.