二十一世紀全球市場邁入新經濟時代,「創新」(innovation)與「創意」(creativity)是知識經濟的核心,文化創意透過行銷與全球接軌。行政院自二○○二年推動的「挑戰二○○八-國家發展建設計畫」,將「創意台灣」規劃為現階段施政的目標與願景。文化創意產業在全球化下,隨著傳統產業的轉型及社會對生活與消費品質的詮釋,逐漸累積豐富的社會能量。 由於文化創意產業的崛起,政府治理模式之角色與功能也逐漸轉型,從作為國家意識形態的實踐與社會控制的角色,到輔助文化產業自由市場的運作,乃至導引民間文化組織,透過公共參與,型塑有文化的公民社會。在新的時代與觀點,政府的硬權力(hard power)與文化的軟權力(soft power),如何相互彼此調適,成為一個重要的課題。本研究透過國內外文獻之蒐集,次級資料之分析,佐以行政部門、學者專家以及文化創意產業從業者之深度訪談,從文化創意產業面臨的問題,找尋政府治理模式轉型的最適方案。
In the 21(superscript st) century, the global market advances to a new economical era. Innovation and creativity become the core of knowledge economy, and cultural creativity connects to the whole world by marketing. ”Challenge 2008--National Development Plan,” which has been promoted by the Executive Yuan since 2002, marks out that the ”Creativity Taiwan” is the goal of present governance. Due to the globalization, the transformation of traditional industries, and the interpretation of the quality of life and the consumption in this society, the cultural creative industry has gradually accumulating abundant social energy. Owing to the rising of the cultural creative industry, the pattern and the function of government governance has gradually changed as well--from being the role to implement the national ideology and to control the society, to the role to help the operation of the free market of cultural industries, and further to guide the cultural organizations to form cultural citizen society through public participation. In the new era, how the hard power of the government and the soft power of the culture adjust to each other becomes an important issue. The research intends to find the feasible projects of the transformation of the governance policies, methods and actions that are suitable to the development of the cultural creative industry through documentary analysis and in-depth interviews with government officers, scholars, professionals, and cultural creative industrial artists.