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An Exploration of Intention to Use Emoji in Social Network Services with Cognitive Age



Social network services, which are a method used for both information acquisition and communication, are inevitably used by most modern people in daily activities. Therefore, emoji is inevitably used by users to help convey emotions. In this study, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) were used to explore whether cognitive age is an important factor that impacts technology acceptance behavior. The application of emoji in social networking services was compared and analyzed three groups, group 1 (digital native whose people under 40 years old), group 2 (digital immigrants over 40 years old who believe that their cognitive age is lower than 40 years old), and group 3 (digital immigrants over 40 years old who believe that their cognitive age is greater than or equal to 40 years old). The results of group 1 showed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived playfulness and fashion involvement have a significant impact on the adoption and use of emoji. The results of group 2 showed that none of the constructs had any impact on behavioral intention, while in group 3, only perceived playfulness and fashion involvement had an impact on behavioral intention. Finally, the relationship and differences between different cognitive age groups, as well as corresponding results and suggestions, were put forward.


Emoji SNS Cognitive age




繪文字 社群網路服務 認知年齡


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