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Application of "Scoping Review" in Sports Social Sciences



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The "Scoping review" has gained increasing recognition in the international research community; however, the awareness and application of this relatively new review methodology in the sports social science field in Taiwan are still in the early stages. This article aims to enhance the understanding of scoping reviews and their potential applications in sports social science research in Taiwan. It provides an overview of the development of the scoping review methodology over the past 15 years. That is followed by a discussion of its merits in mapping the fragmented literature, offering a broad outline of topics under investigation, and identifying gaps in the existing literature, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative studies. Finally, the article highlights specific areas in the fields of sports humanities and social sciences in Taiwan where scoping reviews can be applied and elaborates on potential challenges that may be encountered.


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Anderson, S.,Allen, P.,Peckham, S.,Goodwin, N.(2008).Asking the right questions: Scoping studies in The commissioning of research on the organisation and delivery of health services.Health Research Policy and Systems.6(1),7.
