能量飲是除了維生素外,最多運動員使用的運動增補劑,具有提升運動表現的效果。壘球運動對力量、速度和敏捷性等體能條件要求極高,而球員的打擊與投擲專項技術更是扮演競賽時的關鍵角色。本研究旨在探討單次能量飲補充,對壘球員打擊與投擲專項技術之影響,研究招募12名優秀女子大學壘球員參與,採隨機雙盲交叉實驗設計進行,運動前受試者共接受三次能量飲補充,分別為:高劑量能量飲(high-dosage energy drink, HED)、低劑量能量飲(low-dosage energy drink, LED)及安慰劑(placebo, PLA),隨後進行壘球專項技術檢測。研究結果顯示:單次HED補充能顯著改善專項打擊能力,包括提升揮棒速度及有效打擊次數,但LED與PLA相比則沒有差異;投擲能力部分,發現無論HED或LED補充皆能顯著提升有效投擲次數及擲準能力。然而,儘管兩種劑量之能量飲補充皆能提升投擲能力,但HED在兩項投擲能力指標上的提升效果皆顯著高於LED。本研究結論指出單次能量飲增補能提升女子壘球員的揮棒速度、有效打擊、有效投擲與擲準能力,因此,若能將個體對咖啡因的耐受度納入劑量調整之考量,女子壘球員在賽前進行能量飲補充對專項技術表現將具有正面效益。
Energy drinks are widely used for ergogenic supplementation in addition to vitamins, and can enhance athletic performance. Softball requires elements of physical conditioning such strength, speed, and agility. Players' hitting-and pitching-specific skills play a key role. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of acute energy drink supplementation on hitting- and pitching-specific skills in softball players. Twelve elite women's college softball players were recruited in this double-blind, randomized, counter-balanced, and crossover study. Softball-specific skills were measured under receiving three dosages of pre-exercise energy drink supplementation prior to measurement with high dosage energy drink (HED), low dosage energy drink (LED), or placebo (PLA). The results revealed that acute HED supplementation significantly improves specific batting abilities, such as increased bat swing velocity and effective hit. However, when compared to LED and PLA, no significant differences were observed. In terms of pitching capabilities, it was observed that both HED and LED supplementation significantly increased the number of effective pitches and pitching accuracy. Nevertheless, despite both doses of energy drink supplementation improving pitching abilities, the enhancement effects of HED were significantly higher than those of LED in both pitching performance indicators. In conclusion, this study suggests that acute energy drink supplementation improves bat swing velocity, effective hit, effective pitch, and pitching accuracy in female softball players. Therefore, considering individual tolerance to caffeine in dose adjustments, pre-exercise energy drink supplementation could yield positive benefits for the athletic performance of female softball players.