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Complex Syntax Coding System for Mandarin-Speaking Children: A Classification Framework and Its Implications


兒童複雜句法(complex syntax)的習得與閱讀能力和社會技能發展息息相關;而閱讀能力是兒童獲取知識的基礎。學前兒童複雜句與簡單句的發展同時並行,並於學齡階段在書面語和教室言談的薰陶下,更趨多樣。國內已有數篇先驅文獻探討兒童句法發展,然而各研究對於複雜句的定義與聚焦互有出入。以兒童口語句式特徵而建構的全面完整的句式分類架構仍付之闕如,以致至今仍無明確的評量標準。本研究旨在發展整合性的「華語兒童複雜句式分類系統」,協助兒童語言發展研究者、教師和聽語專業人員更精確地分析典型與非典型複雜句法發展。本研究採語料庫研究法,分析61名三至五歲典型發展兒童個人經驗敘事中的口語複雜句式,包含複(合)句、遞繫結構、補語子句、關係子句、動詞短語名詞化、其他等六大類及16項子類別。結果顯示,發展早期萌發的複雜句式常帶有特殊的溝通語用功能。比較三歲組與四歲組,語料中可觀察到的複雜句式類型由12種增加至16種(縱向成長),四歲組也使用更豐富的複雜句詞彙來描述不同的事件關聯和心智狀態(橫向成長)。另比較四歲組與五歲組,複雜句法的使用情形則無明顯差異。然而五歲兒童平均使用的複雜句式數量(6.64)仍不及分類系統所列舉之句式(16種)的一半,推測複雜句法的縱向與橫向成長在國小階段仍將持續推進。三項複雜句指標(複雜句比例、複雜句法密度和複雜句式多樣性)與平均語句長度、華語語法指標(句子結構)表現中高程度的正相關,初步證實複雜句式指標的同時效度(concurrent validity)與聚合效度(convergent validity)。本研究希望為實務工作者與研究者開拓語言樣本分析的不同視角,增進兒童句法發展分析的細緻度,未來除可應用在鑑別典型與非典型語言發展,也可以促進語言評量與教學方案設計的連結。

Parallel abstracts

Complex syntax proficiency sets the foundation for developing literacy skills and social relationships. Utterances with complex syntax emerge shortly after a child begins to combine words and proceed rapidly in the preschool years. Across the school years, interaction with texts and classroom discourse further facilitates the development of complex syntax. Studies on complex syntax acquisition of Mandarin-speaking children are limited. Definition and focus of complex syntax vary across studies. Current classification frameworks of complex syntax are largely based on adult spoken language or written language. This corpus-based study analyzed 61 children aged between 3 and 5. We established "Complex Syntax Coding System for Mandarin-Speaking Children," a classification framework grounded on child spoken language. Child utterances with complex syntax were characterized into 16 categories with three indices derived from this analysis: complex sentence proportion, complex syntax density, and complex sentence type diversity. Results demonstrate that early complex sentences tend to bear fixed forms and serve various communicative-pragmatic functions. We observed 12 complex sentence types in the corpus of Age 3 and 16 types of Age 4. Additionally, 4-year-olds utilized a wider range of complex syntax vocabulary than 3-year-olds. Whereas the period between Age 3 and 4 seemed to be critical for vertical growth and horizontal growth of complex syntax, differences in complex syntax use were less evident between Age 4 and 5. By Age 5, children produced a mean of 6.64 complex syntax types (max. = 16), suggesting that complex syntax growth may persist throughout the school years. We discuss evidence for concurrent validity and convergent validity of complex syntax indices and the potential implications of complex syntax analysis.


郭怡君、林奐伊(2021)。 華語表達語法指標之建立。台灣聽力語言學會雜誌,44,33-61。https://doi.org/10.6143/JSLHAT.202106_(44).0002
