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A Preliminary Investigation of the Home Improvement Related Housing Adjustment Behaviors.


居住者需求條件並非靜態的恆常不變,而是隨著住戶經過長年歲月人口不斷增減呈現動態的變化過程,住戶如何藉由動態的調整提昇居住品質?住戶如何因應及不同的選擇調整策略有哪些?多數研究取向多認為必須經由住戶遷徙來達成。然而「搬家」對台灣住戶而言是不易為之的決定,依據中央研究院民國八十八年華人動態家庭固定樣本追蹤(panel studies)調查結果,平均居住同一住宅時間約為11.33年,三年遷移率僅佔5.5%左右。相關研究將住戶遷移視為居住調整行為的重要觀察指標,忽略了對於不遷移住戶行為的探討。 事實上不遷移者並非處於消費均衡狀態,不遷移者可能透過人口增減、原屋改善、或是以消極忍耐因應調整,以達成短暫的均衡;另一方面,剛搬家的遷移者是否已調整達到居住消費的均衡?普遍存在的搬家改善行為亦隱含居住調整實際上是動態的回應住戶需求的變動。 國內有關住戶改善調整的討論及經驗資料十分缺乏,因此本研究初步探究住戶之居住品質提昇行為的意義,針對住戶在長期的居住需求改變進行居住質量調整的全貌提出概念性的分析架構,其次推估被忽略遺漏的住宅改善市場總體投入價值,以及住宅質量提升效果,藉此點出房屋改善在住宅研究領域及相關政策之重要性。


Due to continued changes of the population in the family, the needs of different stages of the life cycle for housing is dynamic. Most research approach considers that the equilibrium can be reached through migration. However, Taiwan is a society of low mobility; “relocation” to the average Taiwan household is a decision that does not come by easily. In terms of a dynamic household panel study conducted by the Academia Sinica (中央研究院) in 1999, the results showed that the length of time an average household lives in one residence is about 11.33 years, 3-year relocation rate was only about 5.5%. In fact, the non-relocating households are not at a state of expenditure balance. Non-relocating households may possibly through addition or reduction of population, furnishing of residence or by pessimistic endurance adjust to reach temporary balance. The common behavior of furnishing a residence when relocating to a new residence implies that housing adjustment is actually a dynamic response to the need of households to change. In any case, there is a lack of domestic discussion and experience data relating to household furnishing adjustment. Therefore this study preliminary investigates the meaning of household behavior in promoting living quality, and provides a conceptual framework for the analysis of housing adjustment under changes of long term housing demand. Then the value of the market for home improvements and housing quality improvement effect that has been overlooked is estimated. Through this investigation, the general status of housing improving demand in the Taiwan area is looked into, and the importance of housing improvement in housing studies and relevant policies are pointed out.




